Isaiah 59: 4,9-15, 14-15

Keep on fighting for what you believe and you will never have to look back and say WHAT IF?

February 6, 2008


The following was taken from the Carers4carers website:

It has been decided by the Carers4carers committee that, for various reasons, the ribbons and posters in Iver Heath and surrounding areas will be taken down.We appreciate that there are strong feelings within the area that they should remain, but we would request that they are not put back up and if you wish to show your support for Keran, please do so on your private property.The Committee are looking into other ways to show the community support for Keran so please check the website in the near future!


Anonymous said...

You would actually think he was being considerate wouldn't you?

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Iver councillors

Anonymous said...

The various reason's being too many people complained to Iver Council and the Henderson Campaign were instructed to have them removed from Public property.

Such a shame but I was one of those people who complained.

Anonymous said...

Bucks Council Minutes for a meeting on the 3rd of December that they had been requested to remove the ribbons and posters but they could not do this from private property.
At last they listened

Anonymous said...

While done to everyone who complained :)

Anonymous said...

So what are the plans for the pink ribbons and posters that we have been talking about? Can we still do that?

Anonymous said...

we would be breaking by laws just like the Hendersons and there has been enough of that recently,

Anonymous said...

In answer to the pink ribbons, the answer is no. As nice a thought as it may be, the parents of Maeve Sheppard have not backed any campaign therefore it would be disrespectful of their wishes. Also as all the yellow ribbons and poster's are being removed from all public spots in Iver and surrounding area's then there really is not need!.
The people of Iver and surrounding area's, that the Henderson's thought would not object, did and for that reason the Council have ordered for them ALL to be removed from Public property.
This shows that not all people support Keran :-)

Anonymous said...

Ribbons or no ribbons will not take away the fact they the campaigners will stop at nothing to free Keran, They now have a top Lawyer in this field, appeaks will be lodged when he is freed from his other commitments

Anonymous said...

And now we know where all he's money from interviews go don't we?

Anonymous said...

I dont think he would be getting paid as i think he is doing this to get support for their campaigner. The site has a donations box, People believe in Keran and the news in the press, If only people could have been in court to see the interview she had with the police.

Anonymous said...

He may get expenses from the TV companies but i presume the cash for the lawyer would come from the fund they have set up or the Angela Canning campaigners.
I am glad the ribbons are down as it was wrong to force there views on everyone else.
If they have evidence it will come and Doctors always question each other, the only thing all of us know is that little Maeve died and her poor parents lost their first child.

Justice4Maeve said...

Yet again I find myself having to be defensive: to the person that asked the question which isn't posted. The answer is no, if I want to post something I will post it as myself. Its amazing to realise people still send me names and questions as to who I am on a daily basis.
I am clearly on the side of Keran is Guilty and I set this site up so why would I hide behind questions as anon??? Ridiculous!
All though for anyone to study each comment that closely is a sign of people being way too boring.
Go through every single one and maybe whoever you are you will figure out who I am becauce you name calling, assumptions on quotes and to whom I am is getting tiring!

Anonymous said...

To Justice4Maeve
please ignore rude people they are just upset because not all believe their campaign.

Justice4Maeve said...

Thank you for the previous comment. I will continue to monitor comments as the amount of abuse that comes in daily is getting higher and the names of people who are obviously publically opposed to this campaign in the Iver area are being thrown in every day as to see if I the blogger will react and in doing so the campaigners will know who I am. Originally I was an innocent bystander to this Campaign but the longer this site gains morale the closer I am to the people who believe in Keran's guilt. I now know many of the people that they accuse from speaking to them through correspondance along with many journalists and people who were at the court. I do not think I have spoke to any juror's nor be given any information that the public should not know. Obviously I can not do a background check on many people but I have to my best degree confirmed who most people that I correspond with are.Be that Journalists, friends of the family, the family themselves and even friends of Keran Henderson. I will keep trying to keep this level sided, i do try to not block out Keran's support comments but I will fight for Justice4maeve.
If many of you like me read all articles containing information you will see on most sites I have posted this website address on the 'have your say' after each article.
I will post this web address on many more as time approaches so that many people including the media can see it.

Anonymous said...

I have the honour of knowing the family and follow this site to ensure that nothing appears on here who hurt them, but i cannot see why anyway should send rude emails because of this site, I know people are upset that not everyone believes in Keran and support the police and the CPS. Thanks Justice4Maeve

Anonymous said...

I am a supporter of kerans and believe in her completely but I also believe that people should not be abusing you. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and you are publishing all comments. There is no need to throw insults from either side.

Anonymous said...

I do not think anyway doubts Penny Mellor and she may feel that people are slatting her for her work, Myself I question why we are doubting all cases that are based on medical evidence, Ms Mellor obviously studies these more than most but I do feel that everyone had time to bring in their own people for evidence and it seems the defence thought it better to bring in people that knew her for her charactor than medical evidence. Only Keran and god know the truth but lets not slag of all doctors because others have made mistakes

Anonymous said...

Thank you supporter of Keran, We all want the truth and although I support Mark and Ruth we all should be polite and this is not a war

Anonymous said...

which hunt just like the old day.........

Anonymous said...

I would like to state the ribbons were taken down for various reasons namely yes the council had asked us BUT had stated they were taking them down themselves. The ribbons were removed before the council had done because it was felt that we had proved our point (which clearly has been done) and also we are coming up to the anniversary of Maeve's death so please don't make us out to be insensitive twits - we truly feel for Maeve's parents at this time.

Anonymous said...

I am pleased the ribbons are down so that the parents are not further reminded of their loss, it must be a hard time for them and I am not trying to take sides, Keran appeal may go ahead and thats for the courts to decide just as they did in convicting her. My prayers are with Maeve and her parents, God bless you peace in your hearts at this sad time and the strenght to start another day

Anonymous said...

Even after the statement from Maeve's parents the website still persisted to post this.

Everyone connected with carers4carers would like to make it clear that in campaigning against Keran’s conviction we are also fighting to end the other injustice that occurred on 13th November 2007.

Two poor parents, who are not personally associated with carers4carers, have been led to believe that their precious little girl was killed by the lady they entrusted with her care.

We will fight for justice for all concerned.

Just don't listen really!

Anonymous said...

That has been there from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

You obviously haven't noticed that comment has been there from the start...........

Anonymous said...

OBVIOUSLY NOT considering it has already been pointed out. Well maybe it needs to be taken down considering the Parent have publically stated they want nothing to do with the site or Campaign and 'justice for all concerned'is involving their little girl in the Campaign when they feel they have JUSTICE already!

Anonymous said...

The comment says that the parents are not associated with the campaign bur never the less are part of this terrible injustice and until Keran's name is cleared will not be able to get on with their lives. IT is an injustice whether they see it that way or not.

Anonymous said...

Is this all you have time to do go through the website and pluck out every bit of information and find fault with it. If you dont like what you're reading then dont read it. I thought this website was about justice for Maeve not tearing shreds out of evryone that doesn't agree with you,

Anonymous said...

It is a Injustice in the eyes of the Campaign and it's followers. But to her mother and father they have Justice, maybe you should read between the lines and realize that all your saying that this Campaign is 'to right an injustice and free an Innocent woman and find what happened to a young girl' makes it look like you actually care about Maeve. You don't, you care about freeing Keran and if that means begrudging the parents their belief and blatantly ignoring their admission that they have justice by posting this 'crap' on the site then you will! Funny, why can't you find Justice for Keran and stop mentioning Maeve like you were asked! Because it looks better for the campaign if your seen as people who actually care about finding the truth for the Sheppard's when in reality all you want is your version of the truth to free Keran. Mr and Mrs Sheppard have PUBLICALLY stated, they believe in the Justice that was served and want NOTHING to do with your Campaign, so ALL concerned should listen for once!

Anonymous said...

YOU could not be more wrong. I hsve a little girl the same age as Maeve would have been and am completely aware that this is an awful situation for the parents to be in and if i beleived there was a one percent chance that Keran did this i would shut my mouth and not say a word. In their situation if there was slightest chance that a mistake had been made I would want to know. If the appeal were to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Keran had done this then i would be the first to apologise to Ruth & Mark but the opinion of medical experts is not enough IT IS NOT PROOF. Dont you dare to presume I dont care about Maeve she is in my mind every day. Every time i look at a ribbon I think of her. I do look at both sides but cant people wait and see what happens at the appeal before condemming Keran. At least most supporters of Keran dont make spiteful comments about Maeve's family and friends.

Anonymous said...

"makes it look like you actually care about Maeve" - this comment really shocks and saddens me. Of course we care about what happened to Maeve. She was a beautiful baby and her death was tragic. BUT we also truly believe that Keran had nothing to do with this and that is why we fight for Justice. Whether you call it Justice for Maeve, or we call it Justice for Keran - it boils down to the same thing - the truth!

Anonymous said...

You completely miss the point the two things are linked and cannot be separated. Everyone knows that Ruth and Mark have nothing to do with this campaign and the website says also mentions no names and never has.

Anonymous said...

The Henderson campaign say shaking syndrome doesn't exist yet another child dies...........
Taken from the BBC website

Man guilty of murdering baby son

Duncan Mills was found guilty of murder and assault
A father from Suffolk has been found guilty of murdering his four-week-old son by shaking him.
Baby Luigi Askew died in hospital in May last year after paramedics were called to the house where he lived with his mother at Lanercost Way, Ipswich.

A jury at Ipswich Crown Court found Duncan Mills, 32, guilty of murder and also grievous bodily harm with intent on the child's mother Samantha Askew.

Sentencing has been delayed for eight weeks for psychiatric reports.

He was remanded in custody.

After the case Det Insp Stuart McCallum said: "This was a complex case of domestic abuse, which involved close liaison with the Suffolk Crown Prosecution Service throughout.

"The conviction in this case is testimony to the determination and professionalism of the officers involved and will hopefully offer the family some form of closure."

Anonymous said...

Could i point out the neither of the parents have made any comments on this page, this is all other peoples views so why are some slatting them, how do we know how they possibly feel about an appeal as they too must want the total truth. I am sure if it was proven that Keran did not do this and a reason given for this childs death they too would except it.
Why a war of words lets find the truth either way

Justice4Maeve said...

Ok people I have yet again had to delete many posts in the last two days.

Stop insulting each other and for anon who posted "Could i point out the neither of the parents have made any comments on this page, this is all other peoples views so why are some slatting them, how do we know how they possibly feel about an appeal "

This is actually incorrect, Ruth and Mark Sheppard posted a comment asking that they not be associated with the Camapaign as it is in bad taste as they feel they have justice already. Please feel free to read it on the main postings.

As for all else, there isn't a lot I can say today to calm tempers as these will probably rise as I have been informed there is a few things going on in the coming weeks and I will keep you updated as they appear but they are going to send tempers flying and I would ask that you try keep insults at bay.

Anonymous said...

who is giving you information about whats happening? I think you really do like the arguments - why would you assume that whats going on is going to "send tempers flying" unless you want that to happen - do you think your comment could be a little inflammatory????

Justice4Maeve said...

who is giving you information about whats happening? I think you really do like the arguments - why would you assume that whats going on is going to "send tempers flying" unless you want that to happen - do you think your comment could be a little inflammatory????

February 13, 2008 9:41 AM

In answer to this: I am not going to divulge where I get my information from and I base my opinion of tempers flaring on the fact that I am of the same opinion as many here and let me tell you my tempers flared when I heard some of the fundraising etc.. idea's the Camapaign have spoken about. I have not actually mentioned anything and if or when they come up I will gladly inform people.
I do not like arguments but then again I am not supposed to have an opinion unless it agrees with you.

Anonymous said...

that was not my comment at all - i was saying that by telling people that their tempers will flare you may be firing them up a bit already! You are of course entitled to your opinion and I don't expect you to agree with me but i think getting people wound up before they even know anything is not the way forward - let them decide for themselves whether their tempers will flare .

Justice4Maeve said...

Ok then I apoligize!!

People, please ignore my previous comment.

With Thanks,

Anonymous said...

Thanks very much - appreciate your apology ;-)

Anonymous said...

If this is not too insensitive to ask how would Keran's defence be able to prove the child died by any other means as the babyn has been buried. I thought the only evidence would be the same as the one that convicted this person.
Please dont not publish if you feel it may hurt or upset anyone

Anonymous said...

What a shake can do

Two things can happen when a baby is shaken:

Hundreds of tiny blood vessels in the brain can start to bleed. The brain becomes bruised and swells. The small bleeds can occur in the retina at the back of the eye which is one way doctors diagnose the injury.

A bigger bleed can occur beneath the membrane covering the brain. This increases pressure in the head with potentially disastrous consequences.
About a quarter of the babies made ill by being shaken die. About half suffer permanent brain damage.

Speedy diagnosis can be tricky. Depending on how severe the injury is it can be a day or so before it becomes obvious that a baby is unwell.

The NSPCC has produced a leaflet advising parents on now to cope with the frustration of a crying baby. It says that a crying baby will only respond to gentle behaviour.

The association is calling on the government to back a campaign on the dangers of shaking babies.

It hopes that following recent cases which have highlighted the problem, greater awareness will help cut the number of babies that end up brain damaged or dead.
Baby Maeve died of these injuries and we should study this more

Anonymous said...

Hi justive4maeve, just wanted to check about the vote that is going on - yesterday there was a countdown of hours but today is saying 1 day left - have you extended this???

Anonymous said...

I am confused.... the vote is showing 50%/49% so 1% is missing.

I was distressed to show the Keran supporters were winning but the final day has been dragging to show Maeve supporters winning onto a second day and a 1% vote is missing.

I hate to say this but this vote seems to be slightly dodgy?

Justice4Maeve said...

People I am sorry about the poll, I am not sure what is wrong with it. I didn't change the time nor anything else, the reason 1% was missing is because someone voted and then changed their vote, it seems to have found its way back to even level now.

Justice4Maeve said...

I just wish to apologise to Ms McAfee, I was in the middle of reading the posting and deleted it in error.
If you would like to post it again or even the link it would be great.

Sincere Apologies!

Justice4Maeve said...

I was distressed to show the Keran supporters were winning but the final day has been dragging to show Maeve supporters winning onto a second day and a 1% vote is missing.

I just wish to point out that this is not a them versus us Poll! Some of Keran's Supporters have stated on this website that although they agree Keran is 100% innocent they do not agree with the jury members speaking out and vice versa, some of Maeve's supporters do agree.
This poll was not put there to show who cares for Keran and who cares for Maeve, it was to ask the question on whether it was moral of the Juror to speak out, some people who would have voted No does not mean that they do or don't support Keran and some who voted yes does not mean they do or don't support Maeve. It is a question that can be answered from a bystanders judgement on the issue.

Anonymous said...

well said !

Anonymous said...

I know this is hard to accept but I have been here, I have lost my child at the hands of the sitter. This story is nearly the same as mine except the sitter was given 26 years for Manslaughter with 8 years suspended. I don't think I will ever get over the loss and I never thought I could forgive either. A priest once told me something that got me through my lowest days.......
"Forgiveness is a necessary piece to complete this puzzle; hatred makes you a prisoner but forgiveness sets you free."

I know it may not bring anyone connected with this case comfort but in many years that line may get you through the worst patch of your life.
God speed this appeal and may Justice be served.
Rest in Peace angel.

Anonymous said...

Justice4Maeve said...

Thank you and again apologies on the deleted comment!

Anonymous said...

Jacqui, I have know idea how you coped and survive each day. I wish you well as I do the Sheppards. It cannot be an easy thing to live with. God bless

Anonymous said...

blimey - the vote seems to have taken a very drastic turn one way - weird eh?

Anonymous said...

could you please show the whole address for parents4protest - I am unable to open it.....

Justice4Maeve said...
In the search section type in shaking baby.

Anonymous said...

I can answer that.
I was sent this website address and I sent it to friends and so on and the people who read it, voted. Word of mouth is obviously strong...

Anonymous said...

Could i ask how they defence could prove that the child was not killes by Keran when they can only have the results of the postmortem which showed these injuries. I do understand that they are trying to say she did not die of being shaken but she clearing had many injuries that lead to the poor mites death