Isaiah 59: 4,9-15, 14-15

Keep on fighting for what you believe and you will never have to look back and say WHAT IF?

March 5, 2008

Shaking Baby Syndrome

Now being Showed
8.30PM - 9PM

I would also like to say that I have now re-opened the comment board in respect of many people who did email me and ask for it.
As you can also see I have posted links to new blogs from Dr Rita Pal.
I would just like to say in defence of myself in dr Rita Pal's comment on me.
I didn't want to be goaded into an argument for either side, obviously all publicity of this site and Keran's case is welcome but it has nothing to do with me. The only site I am worried about is this one and I didn't pack my bags and leave the building, I just let things cool down.


Anonymous said...

It makes us wonder if J$M and the Henderson campaign are run by the same people as both were off for the same time

Justice4Maeve said...

I actually didn't think of that, No I wasn't away, although I was aware that the carers4carers website was down. I still logged on every day and corresponded with many people, I just didn't allow comments for awhile to let a few people calm down.

I apologise for any inconvenience and I can give you my word that I have nothing to do with the henderson's or their Camapaign (It would be silly to set up a site to differ from them if I did)...

Anonymous said...

You have us thinking so from now on we will not give any more blogs as this may be the Hendersons way of keeping this in the public eye

Justice4Maeve said...

I have apologized for the board being so quiet, but I did put it on my homepage that the board would be down for a few days to let people cool off. I had so many abusive mails last week that yes maybe I was wrong to run and hide but I am not here to argue with anyone, just to show a different side to the story. I did not want this site to become part of an internet fued.
If you feel that you no longer want to use this blog then so be it, albeit it would be very silly for the Henderson's to use this blog as it really does slate Keran and they don't want that. But do whatever makes people happy. I am not here to make people write on this, I only want people to read it. And I am hoping many many many people read it.

Anonymous said...

Please keep this running as we need to view all sides, plus who knows who sends these responses

Anonymous said...

I didn't realise this blog was open again.
So for yesterday, Thinking of you Little angel on your anniversary.

Anonymous said...

Seeing your flag - did you realise the parents are irish??

Anonymous said...

Can you confirm that Panorama has been postponed - i keep seeing it advertised on BBC1?

Justice4Maeve said...

Apologies, I meant that the show has been re-scheduled for the 10th of March. Sorry for any confusion.
I have now amended the way it's been perceived.

As for the flag, it is a Great Britain Flag and only one of the parents were Irish (Mrs Ruth Sheppard). I found the Great Britain Flag to be more culturally correct as Maeve was English.

Anonymous said...

R.I.P Angel.

Goodnight my angel, time to close your eyes,
And save these questions for another day.
I think I know what you've been asking me,
I think you know what I've been trying to say.
I promised I would never leave you,
Then you should always know
Wherever you may go, no matter where you are
I never will be far away.

Goodnight my angel, now it's time to sleep,
And still so many things I want to say.
Remember all the songs you sang for me,
When we went sailing on an emerald bay.
And like a boat out on the ocean,
I'm rocking you to sleep
The water's dark and deep, inside this ancient heart
You'll always be a part of me.

Goodnight my angel , now it's time to dream,
And dream how wonderful your life will be.
Someday a child may cry, and if you sing this lullaby,
Then in your heart there will always be a part of me.
Someday we'll all be gone
But lullabys go on and on
They never die
That's how you and I will be

Anonymous said...

cool - just wanted to check about the flag. thanks for confirming

Anonymous said...

I thought Maeve died on the 4th March? 2 days after the incident

Anonymous said...

Sorry J4M your been informed incorrectly, Maeve's anniversary was Tuesday.
She died on the 04/03/05

Justice4Maeve said...

Apologies yet again, Maeve's anniversary was the 4th as stated below.

Anonymous said...

Carers4Carers 7.3
Update time again, well I have now seen a copy of the appeal and although it's now day 113, I can't believe its come round seemingly so fast. I say seemingly as no doubt for Keran it has dragged painfully at times.

But the ball is officially rolling; we now wait to see what the first wave makes of it, before it may go to a panel of Senior Judges, from there to a possible retrial or whatever

Anonymous said...

"But the ball is officially rolling; we now wait to see what the first wave makes of it, before it may go to a panel of Senior Judges, from there to a possible retrial or whatever"

To clarify - leave to appeal has to be granted by the single judge, if leave is given it then goes to a panel of three judges who will set down a date and a number of days for an oral hearing in which both the defence and the prosecution present their arguments as to why the conviction should be quashed or not. Either side can call experts to support their argument - IF - they decide the conviction is unsafe, it is then a matter of how to proceed. It is very very rare for the court of appeal to just quash convictions and not order a retrial, it is not for them to replace the jury and is unlikely to happen in this scenario unless something very significant happens between now and the appeal.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Penny for that, I am not legal minded but i wonder why does comments would be written that way from the Hendersons as i thought they would need to log exact reasons not various

Anonymous said...

No idea anon, as I have previously stated I am the outsider looking in and want everyone to be aware of how all of this actually transpires, that way people aren't confused as to what goes on. The C of A is a very different animal to a criminal court, they are only concerned with the law and despite what you are reading elsewhere, they cannot be influenced by the media or anything else for that matter because the appeal has to be based on nothing but law otherwise the proseuction or defence can appeal the court of appeal's decisions in the House of Lords and if that fails take it Europe. So if an appeal is given it is given for sound legal grounds, nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope this appeal gets the facts out once and for all.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope this appeal gets the facts out once and for all.

That won't happen at appeal - retrial.

Anonymous said...

Theres no cause for retrial Penny?

Barely cause for appeal! :)

Anonymous said...

Theres no cause for retrial Penny?
Barely cause for appeal! :)

March 11, 2008 8:55 AM