Isaiah 59: 4,9-15, 14-15

Keep on fighting for what you believe and you will never have to look back and say WHAT IF?

February 21, 2008

Explanation of Some Kind

When I set up this blog, it wasn't a support site for Maeve's memory or for her family. They didn't need support, they had Justice.

I set it up becuase I was sick to my back teeth of hearing how Keran was innocent and the whole world was wrong. How Experts who save people's lives were wrong (till they agreed with Keran). How everything our Judicial System stood for was a lie. How the CPS were covering a great conspiracy theory and covering the tracks of doctors. How it was right form Jury Member's to break the law and speak out.

You name it, I heard it all.

I set this site up to show the story from another point of view. I knew people wouldn't like that. "There is nothing worse than opposition when your on a level playing field and hitting for the home run!"
I knew that I would anger people with my thoughts and opinions and although I knew many others believed the theories, I didn't expect the blog to have as much of a reation and response. I didn't expect to be contacted by so many journalists, I didn't expect to be able to correspond with doctors from all over the world via email, some who do and some who don't believe in SBS. I've learned the true nature of people. People fight for what they believe is true, through blind force and sheer determination.

I have never insulted Kerans supporters for fighting for what they believe in. I will quote Penny Mellor here because no one has said a more fascinating comment to be true: "I believe no matter what anyone does somebody will always find fault with it. Each of you is entitled to do whatever you feel is required to get your point of view heard, this is a democracy."

Originally I had only intended to post a view from people who believed Keran was guilty and then I thought (after receiving all kinds of comments from her supporter's) that maybe if they didn't have to keep proclaiming her innocence and had a discussion about it instead then maybe we could see why they believed her. Maybe people's opinion's changed because of her supporter's and maybe I changed other's opinions. I decided to give everyone a fair chance to speak (sometimes that went too far and I have deleted/moderated many comments) but at the same time I wanted people to hear what both sides said. I could have done what Carers4carers do and only posted nice things but then it really would have been an us and them scenario. People that read this site see things not as a whole but as two halves and they have decide what they believe, they are never fooled into believing everything is rosy.

If I wanted to stir it up, I could just post comments that slate Keran, that tell the bad side only and the campaign could then hope that the person reading would read the carers4carers site too before making up their mind but I don't do that, I let them view both sides and arguments. I won't apologise for what you call 'stirring thing up', it is not my intention. I am just stating the facts as I see them. I didn't lie about the March or the petition. I put it there for all to see
and I didn't block the comment from Keran's supporters telling people why they did it.
I don't agree with it, as does many other people, it was the wrong time to do it but your attacking me and this site just goes to show that no matter what you do, you do not want an alternative to Keran being Innocent. You ask us to unite, that we all want a common cause of Justice, that in reality we all want the same thing, the truth - but as far as I am aware, the people who believe Keran is guilty have found the truth and maybe even peace, the people who believe she is innocent still fight for her and that is their right, just don't look down on the people who do not believe you.


Anonymous said...

Keep on fighting for what you believe and you will never have to look back and say WHAT IF

Justice4Maeve said...

I couldn't agree more and this is for both sides. Thanks Anon, great statement!

Anonymous said...

please could you put that anon comment on the front page - i think it sums things up from both sides perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Thanks but no need for that. No one wants anymore regrets, It is easier to give up than to continue. We should use our years of knowledge to learn and never wait until tomorrow because tomorrow never comes. The childs memory deserves respect and with Mothers day coming up lets have a heart and realise that life isnt always the way you want it and we all differ in judgements and views.

Anonymous said...

If you just posted comments to "slate" Keran i dont think for one second that your site would even have half the attention it does. You are fair by showing both sides but mostlt because it is in your interest to do so. One comment i cant understand that if you are not involved with
Maeve in any way (not interested in who you are by the way) why you "set it up becuase I was sick to my back teeth of hearing how Keran was innocent and the whole world was wrong" . There has not been that much publicity you have to look for the news items to find them, apart from the yellow ribbons in Iver Heath and a couple of local news articles there has been nothing that in your face to cause your feelings to be that strong. If you were someone that knew the Sheppards i could understand the passion to your cause but a complete stranger, it doesn't make sense. I have no problem with what you are doing just the way you are doing it.

Justice4Maeve said...

Answer to anon:February 21, 2008 7:39 PM:
I am not part of the Family or Friends of the Sheppards, now I have heard lots about them since set this site up but I never said where I lived. Maybe I live locally and can see what you say I had no reason to say I see.
I like others originally didn't have a view on this until the 'We care for Keran' campaign shoved it back my throat along with many others and then I started reading into it, did research, spoke to people and this site is the result of that! Yet again I won't be goaded into revealing who I am!

Anonymous said...

Like i said I dont care who you are but this campaign has not been that huge that it was shoved in anyone's face!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think you have a point there - mothers day and Maeves anniversary coming up. Lets leave things be for a while and allow the family time to focus and grieve. And thats both sides please!

Justice4Maeve said...

That is your opinion.
This campaign, the ribbons, the posters on the cars/poles/windows. I am not going to get into a war of words. I wanted to set this site up because I believe Keran is guilty. I wanted to set this site up with the other side of the story (the truth as far as the courts are concerned).And that is exactly what I did. I won't explain to anyone why I did it or who I am or even why it means much to me. There are people in the campaign that only briefly knew Keran and are actively helping because they believe in the cause. I am sorry to offend anyone in having this site up and running but to be honest I am not going to take it down!

Anonymous said...

You dont have to take it down unlike our ribbons you have the choice not too and anyone that doesn't want to read it has the choice not to. I find it strange that you should know anyone in the campaign and how well they know Keran. I know you beleive Keran to be guilty but she is in prison and has not even got an appeal yet so why so bitter.

Justice4Maeve said...

People didn't have a choice not to see the ribbons they were everywhere and I admire the fact people believed her innocence and put them there but I don't agree with them as does many people. I am not bitter at all, I see all these questions as just another way of asking who I am. I know many people that believe Keran's Innocence and I know many people who believe her guilt. I just choose to believe the latter!

Anonymous said...

Please be more respectful,this does not help and in fact its childish. We all have our own views and this is all getting out of order

Anonymous said...

It is so easy to avoid the point by keep saying that people are trying to find out who you are. I am just slightly suspicious of your motives by some comments you make i.e "There are people in the campaign that only briefly knew Keran and are actively helping because they believe in the cause." and many other comments made in the past.

Anonymous said...

Advances in medical research has advanced so much as it did in cot death, We need to ensure we keep on track and do not get into hate on this site instead of truth.
Medical evidence should be the source of court cases but we need to do more research into this. Maybe this site shoild promote the idea of setting up a fund for research . This would be a fitting memory to a child and help others understand

Anonymous said...

IF BUTS AND MAYBE'S we all have them but Justice is a funny thing it will never please everyone

Anonymous said...

Is there a fund to make people aware of effects of shaking and to investigate this syndrome

Justice4Maeve said...

No not that I know of!

Anonymous said...

Could someone please tell me the answer to this question as I think it is leading to some confusion. If it could be proved that Shaken Baby Syndrome does not exist, would that mean that Keran Henderson was innocent? If so, why? Please don't just offer a 'knee jerk' reaction. Thanks.

Anonymous said...


Apart from the Nanny Cams in the USA which also showed shaking and no injuries, this is the only other documented filmed SBS described.

You obviously can't go around shaking babies to "see" what would happen, but where it has been caught on camera - the evidence is the opposite to the hypothesis presented in court.

Yes there are inumerable reserach projects underway - first indications are that a human being does not have sufficient strength to induce the injuries associated with SBS, the gravitational forces required are impossible to recreate.

So your proof is there in black and white - on film, both here and in the USA the pro SBS cannot provide that level of evidence.

My opinion, for what it is worth, is that Maeve, just like some other children had a predisposition to sustain a head injury very easily,(epilepsy in the extended family is a common denominator in other cases where short falls have caused the same injuries) I believe that Maeve had an accident of some sort, banged her head in a manner that cause gravitational pull on the neck.

Justice4Maeve said...

If you could proce SBS didn't exist, this case wouldn't exist. Keran is charged of Manslaugter as the results of SBS. But SBS doesn't exist is a very hard one. yes as you will see from comment from Penny Mellor above, its there in black and white but that is just one case.
This findings are of SBS are of many experts studies. It would be like in years to come saying someone had a stroke because they can't feel their left side etc.. and doctors deciding that that is not right. They would have to prove that study no longer exists as a guaranteed reason for a stroke and not all doctors will agree. These damages children sustain have been associated with SBS for many many years and some doctors/people do believe it and some don't but the Medical world is a complex one. People say you have to shake a baby for many many minutes and extremely hard to receive the results, but in reality 10 seconds of shaking a baby can damage them beyond recognition and 40 secs can kill them! So I do believe although their is evidence out there that suggests that pre-existing illness' can cause some of the same symptoms, it is very rarely you will see all these symptoms at the same time unless on SBS.

Anonymous said...

SBS hasn't been proven it is a hypothesis. Please read this paper, which is the most comprehensive breakdown of the theory - in all the nanny cam (secret recordings of nannies working) from the USA in which the infant was shaken, in some cases quite severely) not ONE of the infants had the injuries found on children like Maeve - we don't know what injuries are caused simply because you cannot take infants and shake them to see what happens - the evidence to show that the current thinking is wrong is mounting.

DR Patrick Barnes put Louise Woodward in prison stating it was SBS, he has now, after reviewing Caffey et al's papers changed his mind, so has Huntigdon, Geddes, Squier and many other doctors who were the "gurus" of SBS. They went back and challenged the papers, they undertook the scientific tests and disproved the theories. J4M you talk about SBS being a medical fact it isn't a fact, it's a theory. What is factual is case after case in which there is footage of a baby being shaken but none of the injuries said to be associated with SBS.

Open your eyes, read the papers, they are theoretical that is a fact.

Anonymous said...

BTW I am not saying that shaking a child doesn't harm or kill, I dispute that a constellation of injuries "prove" a child has been shaken.

Anonymous said...

I am a little confused where the people cleared of SBS or was it that they could not prove it beyond reasonable doubt as I have looked and it seems very few actual state innocent

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well done Penny - thank you for explaining that

x said...
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Anonymous said...

There is so much medical evidence one way or the other that i feel sorry for the poor parents, not only have they had the grief and thinking that they left the baby with a killer now they have all of this to take in. I cannot say what happened in this case but the medical evidence seems to be so complicated that i feel for any juror

Anonymous said...

If your so convinced it wasnt SBS then what was it?
Maeve had horiific injuries? they didnt appear from no where ? Something must of caused them?

Dont you think everything would of been ruled out before SBS was considered?
And are you not slightly concerned by the holes in Keran Hendersons story?
Why she never told anyone about previous fits she claims happened!!!

x said...
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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If your so convinced it wasnt SBS then what was it?
Maeve had horiific injuries? they didnt appear from no where ? Something must of caused them?

I don't know is the answer and neither do the medical profession - the bleeding in Maeve's brain is not consistent with the constellation said by the SBS gurus to be "definative" of SBS.

Short falls injure children, some children get injuries from a short fall that cannot as yet be medically explained. That has been witnessed and written up.

I never came here to state anything other than the facts don't fit. I cannot say what happened that day, I wasn't there.

Did Maeve have a tumble or get knocked over by another child?

There is an older injury - did she have two or three knocks on the head that weren't observed, each of which was adding to damage?

Epilepsy is hereditary and cannot be diagnosed after death, nor in an infant that young and even then epilepsy is quite often misdiagnosed, did Maeve have a seizure disorder that only manifested itself after the first bang?

I don't know, the only thing I know, for a fact and it is a fact is that you cannot get the sort of momentum needed to cause the neck injury by shaking alone.

I have an ethos and it's one I live by - exclude abuse until you are left with nothing but abuse, on the odd occassion when I am left with the final diagnosis, that of abuse, I say so, I don't hide it.

There is alot written about me that is sort of one sided. Two years ago I got a predatory paedophile convicted, I am currently working on another massive paedophile case which I kick started by encouraging the victims to go to the police - I do not protect or advocate for child abusers - The facts don't fit in this case, something else happened and I am trying to find out what - sadly it is very difficult without the cooperation of the family, normally I would be able to access family records etc. I don't know if there were birth problems (small bleeds at birth can rebleed later and then there's hypoxic damage caused by things like the cord being wrapped around the baby's neck at birth etc)

Thankfully in R-V-Gay Christian Blewitt's father was kind enough to help me despite what had happened.

I wish I could answer your questions, I can't, with the evidence I currently have available it cannot be shaking.

I don't know Keran Henderson. I have never met her. So my stance is that of trying to unravel what really happened and I am afraid the "experts" used in this case have already been proven to be at best inept and worse untruthfull in other court cases, so I am sceptical about any evidence they give - of couse you wouldn't know that because you don't have access to live note transcripts of evidence given in other cases.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Alan said...

February 27, 2008 3:56 PM

Rita Pal has infiltrated this blog - Sorry guys all future postings will be on my other two blogs because she will turn this blog into nothing more than an area to attack me which does not do anyone any good - I will answer all and any questions put to me there, I am not letting Rita Pal use me to hurt anyone else. Thank you for your time and patience, I truly appreciate it and I am sorry if some of my comments were misconstrued, when I said there were none so blind as those that won't see I meant doctors not the blogger.

Justice4Maeve said...

I am going to put this to everyone, when I set up this Blog I did not plan to be pulled into an argument between two people on a totally different matter.
As you will see there is a difference of opinion now that legal terms and so forth have taken effect, accusations between people have started to fly and abuse has been hurled, I have not published 12 comments since mid morning today!
I am not going to tolerate this, this is not a war zone for people who dislike each other, if anyone wants to discuss this case rationally then by all means do so but if not then take the childish antics somewhere else.

Anonymous said...
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x said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Isnt it a shame that a site that should be used for the good is being used as a personnal slatting tool. Dr Pal and Penny Mellor may have issues which each other but please do not use this site as your tool. We are here to support Justice for a child

Katherine Walker - Iver

Anonymous said...

Could we please get back to facts and not the arguments between Dr Pal and Penny Mellor. Justice4 Maeve was set up to support a famiies who are suffering not a personal site for this. Whether Penny spent time in jail or not she now campaigns to others, whether we agree with her or not she has served her time so why bring this up. New medical evidence is the only way i will believe that SBS does not exist as this child had terrible injuries which happened and if not SBS then what. I cannot say whether Keran is innocent or not I was not there but we need to keep on track and work to help others stop abuse

Justice4Maeve said...
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x said...
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Justice4Maeve said...
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Anonymous said...

I pray that we can all look into our heart and work for the good instead of being hateful

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Justice4Maeve :-)

Anonymous said...

Louise Lafontaine (Mary Kay Consultant) said...

My heart goes out to Maeve and her family.

No matter what side anyone is on, there is still a healthy child who died without reason.

There are 5 basic indicators of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Not all need to be present at the same time. They are:

1. Bleeding of the brain
2. Swelling of the brain
3. Retinal hemoraging (not evident in 33% of cases)
4. Respiratory distress (not breathing & turning blue)
5. Seizures

A child's brain doesn't implode on it's own. We've all seen and heard of children who fall off swings, out of trees, down the front steps, off the sofa, off a chair, off a table... They don't die. They suffer a mild contusion, some bruising, maybe a slight concussion. They bounce back quickly. It takes a great deal of force to shake a child to this level of injury.

A pediatric ophthalmologist said it best "In the entire history of documented medical research, no other disease or illness creates this type of trauma other than shaking." Slamming and throwing, even against a soft surface such as a sofa or bed falls into the same category. It's the acceleration - deceleration - whiplash effect that does the damage.

My grandson survived being slammed down repeatedly. What used to be a bright boy is now a mentally and physically challenged 11 year old who has the functioning capacity of a 2 month old. He no longer speaks. I was witness to one of his slammings when he was 21 months old. I testified in court. The judge, in her exceptionally limited wisdom, called me a liar and said my fears were unfounded. Right, like my grandson's brain damage happened all by itself!

These acts of violence on children are usually always carried out by an angry caregiver, behind closed doors, without any witnesses. The person loses it. Less than 1% admit to having shaken, thrown or slammed a child. Good thing some people have nanny-cams otherwise we'd never know how this mysterious and invisible tragedy occurs.

As for the so-called medical experts who deny the existence of SBS, I challenge them to bring their children or grandchildren into a courtroom and proceed to give them a royal shaking, slamming and throwing and see if come away uninjured. I don't think we'd have very many volunteers.

Of course, there are always professional experts who will sell their souls to the devil for money. They have their own agenda.

Well, I've had my say. Injustice riles me. The debilitation or death of a healthy child is a terrible thing. The world loses a bright light. No one wins. It's never okay to shake, slam down or throw a child or infant of any age. Take control of your anger before your anger takes control of you.

I wish you peace and comfort.


Gingerbread Grandma